Fields of activity

  • Development of studies and provision of consultancy and design activities in the field of environment and emergency situations;
  • Cooperation with universities, research institutes, information bureaus, publishers, professional organisations, as well as with governmental and non-governmental organisations and companies at home and abroad;
  • Coordonarea şi/sau implementarea cercetărilor şi a proiectelor de dezvoltare de interes regional/naţional/local;
  • Providing expertise for research, analysis, monitoring and assessment and other similar activities in the field of environmental protection;
  • Organisation of lectures, courses, workshops, symposia and conferences;
  • Organisation/facilitation of interdisciplinary research and development projects;
  • Promoting high-performance techniques, technologies, products and equipment at the levels required by international environmental and emergency standards;
  • Providing scholarships to specialists in the field of natural disaster and emergency management;
  • Accessing, attracting and using for the achievement of its objectives sources of funding and resources in the form of grants, contributions, sponsorships, including by carrying out economic activities in accordance with the law;
  • organising professional study visits at home and abroad;
  • publishing publications, manuals and guides in the field of environmental protection, disaster and emergency management;


Governing Board

Roman Emil - Executive director
Ozunu Alexandru - President of CN APELL-RO