Donate 2% for the CN APELL Foundation - RO
What is 2%?
The 2% system allows individual taxpayers to redirect 2% of their income tax to a non-profit entity. It is a system whereby citizens have the possibility to decide directly what happens with their taxes (according to the provisions of art. 57, paragraph 4 of Law 571/2003). This amount does not represent a sponsorship or a donation, but it is a part of the state budget directed by each individual citizen to the non-governmental sector.
What should you do?
1. If you have earned income from salaries or pensions (pensions only over RON 1,500) in the previous year, you must complete Form 230 - Request for the use of up to 2% of the annual tax, as follows:
You can direct this amount to one non-profit organisation only; The form must be filled in with the prescribed data, in capitals, legibly and correctly, with signature and date of completion; It must be submitted in the first half of the year (May).
The original is submitted to the tax authority in whose territorial radius the taxpayer's tax domicile is located, by registered letter. Don't forget to pick up a copy!
2. If you have income from other sources (transfer of the use of goods, self-employed activities - liberal professions, intellectual property rights, commercial activities, etc.) you should fill in Form 200 - Special declaration on income earned in the previous year, in all chapters related to the type of income earned, including Chapter III, Destination of the amount representing 2% of the annual income tax due.
You can direct this amount to one non-profit organisation only; The form must be filled in with the prescribed data, in capitals, legibly and correctly, with signature and date of completion; It must be submitted in the first half of the year (May).
The original is submitted to the tax authority in whose territorial radius the taxpayer's tax domicile is located, by registered letter. Don't forget to pick up a copy!
2. If you have income from other sources (transfer of the use of goods, self-employed activities - liberal professions, intellectual property rights, commercial activities, etc.) you should fill in Form 200 - Special declaration on income earned in the previous year, in all chapters related to the type of income earned, including Chapter III, Destination of the amount representing 2% of the annual income tax due.
What data will you fill in?
Identification data of the taxpayer: Name, father's initial, personal numerical code - from the identity document; Address – address of the taxpayer's fiscal domicile. Destination of the amount representing up to 2% of the annual tax for sponsoring a non-profit entity: The amount - is supplemented with the amount representing 2% of the income tax transferred to the state in the previous year. In the situation where the taxpayer does not know the amount that can be transferred, he will not fill in this column, following which the fiscal body will calculate and transfer the allowed amount, according to the law. Name of the non-profit entity - "APELL National Center for Disaster Management" Foundation CN APELL - RO Fiscal identification code of the non-profit entity - 21422709 Bank account, account no. RO78 BTRL 0510 1205 A726 10XX, open at Banca Transilvania, Turda branch, CN APELL - RO Team will be at your disposal at Tel./Fax: 004 0264 315464, with information, forms and any other details that you consider them necessary to decide in favor of our organization.