
The "National Center APELL for Disaster Management Foundation" was established in 2007 at the initiative of Professor Doctor Engineer Alexandru Ozunu, with the aim of contributing to the general effort of preventing natural and antropic risks, protecting the environment, and reducing environmental impacts, while also promoting the implementation of environmental policies and strategies in the context of sustainable development. The foundation is a Romanian non-governmental legal entity under private law, independent of any political affiliation, operating on a non-profit basis with a professional focus. Through its activities, CN APELL-RO aims to educate, train, and enhance the expertise of specialists in the field of natural and technological risk assessment and management, to prevent technological accidents and natural disasters, to promote fundamental and applied research in environmental protection, and to coordinate programs necessary for implementing policies in the field of risk and environmental security, integrated into an international network. The high level of professionalism of the activities is determined by the quality and expertise of the active members of the foundation, coming from various fields of activity, such as local and central public institutions, the scientific community, and the business environment. The main directions of action include providing specific expertise in the field, organizing courses, workshops, symposiums, and conferences, conducting interdisciplinary research and development projects, promoting efficient techniques and technologies, organizing study visits in the country and abroad, as well as publishing specialized journals and books. CN APELL-RO engages in various initiatives, including training programs, workshops, and resource development, to empower local communities with the knowledge and abilities to mitigate, prepare for, and respond effectively to disasters. By partnering with government agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders, the foundation aims to enhance resilience within communities.

Over the years, CN APELL-RO has been involved in numerous activities, including:

  • The EUROMODEX Lot 2 focuses on strengthening the coordination of civil protection interventions in the EU, improving the compatibility and interoperability of intervention teams and developing experts' skills. It facilitates the cross-border exchange of knowledge and expertise with the aim of increasing the efficiency of assistance in emergency situations.
  • International Conference "Environmental Quality and Safety at the Beginning of the 21st Century", 17 - 18 October, Cluj-Napoca, co-organizer with Babeș - Bolyai University - Faculty of Environmental Science, Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and International Society for Emergency Management – TIEMS
  • Establishment of TIEMS (The International Emergency Management Society) Chapter - Romania - TIEMS is an independent, non-political, non-profit, international emergency management organisation that functions as an international network for emergency management and facilitates dialogue between scientists, business, industry and authorities for global cooperation in emergency management.
  • Partnering with Aidmatrix USA - the Aidmatrix network provides information and communication solutions between U.S. companies and government authorities to facilitate the flow of goods and services in emergency and crisis response situations. The network provides a platform for the transfer of these solutions and associated technologies. The Aidmatrix network is implemented in Romania by the "APELL National Centre for Disaster Management" Foundation. The aim of the Aidmatrix network in Romania aims to mobilise human and material resources to reduce the impact of disasters.
  • ATEX Seminar, 4-5 May 2009, Cluj-Napoca, co-organizer with the Research Centre for Disaster Management, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Babeș-Bolyai University and ETEA SICUREZZA, Italy
  • TIEMS Seminar - Logical Tree Analysis and Accident Investigation, 7 - 8 May 2009, Cluj-Napoca, co-organizer with the Research Centre for Disaster Management, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering of Babeș-Bolyai University and the International Society for Emergency Management
  • Sustainable development and growth - key issues regarding the closure of industrial waste landfills in the metallurgical and mining industry in the context of current European directives" Seminar, 3 July 2009, Cluj-Napoca, organized in collaboration with the Research Centre for Disaster Management, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Babeș-Bolyai University
  • Publication of flyers on how to behave - earthquakes, floods, heat waves, frost.
  • "Progress in the management of contaminated sites in Romania" Seminar, 24 - 25 June 2010, Cluj-Napoca, co-organizer with Babeș - Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering through the Research Centre for Disaster Management and the Ministry of Environment and Forests
  • "Systematic risk analysis in the extractive mining industry" Seminar, 31 June 2011, Cluj-Napoca, organized in collaboration with Babeș - Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering through the Research Centre for Disaster Management
  • The International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS) Annual Conference, 7 - 10 June 2011, Bucharest, Romania
  • International Conference "Enviroment and Progress - Environment, Research, Protection and Management", 11-12 November 2011, Cluj-Napoca, co-organizer with the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Babeș-Bolyai University and S.C. ICPE Bistrița S.A.
  • Project - Management of contingency and contingency plans for critical infrastructure at regional level, using IT systems for risk management and risk assessment, to improve decision-making at local public authority level. The beneficiary of this project is the Prefect's Institution - Alba County, and the partners were the CN APELL RO Foundation and the Prefect's Institution - Sibiu County. The project was co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme for the Development of Administrative Capacity and started from February 2012 to February 2014.
  • The Exchange of Civil Protection Experts (EoE) Programme facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise between EU member states in civil protection and emergency management. Professionals participate in missions or projects in other member countries to provide technical assistance and support in various areas related to disasters and emergency management.
  • DAREnet - The Danube River Region Resilience Exchange network is a programme focused on increasing resilience in the Danube River region, focusing on risk management and building resilience to threats such as floods, droughts and pollution. Through cooperation and exchange of experience between EU member states in the Danube region, DAREnet aims to improve the capacity to manage these risks and threats.
  • IPA Floods and fires is part of the EU Pre-Accession Initiative, providing technical and financial assistance to EU accession countries and Western Balkans countries for emergency preparedness and management, with a focus on floods and fires. Through this programme, the EU and the accession countries work together to strengthen cooperation and exchange of experience in risk management and disaster response.
  • The "COS-DSM" training course is a specialised programme designed to train professionals in rescue and medical operations, preparing them to effectively lead teams in complex emergency situations requiring medical intervention. Its aim is to develop leaders capable of coordinating operations during natural disasters or other critical situations, thereby enhancing emergency response capacity.
  • The International Summer School on Disaster Management is a specialised educational programme that offers participants the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in emergency management.
  • The Civil Protection Journal is a publication covering topics related to emergency and disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It provides information on the latest trends, technologies, policies and practices in civil protection, as well as experiences and lessons learned from recent or historical events. Through this publication, readers can obtain up-to-date information and expertise in the field of civil protection and contribute to improving preparedness and response to emergencies and disasters.
  • Organisation of other workshops, training courses, conferences and seminars

In its activities, the Foundation has been supported by a number of collaborators, institutions and prestigious organisations from home and abroad:

Ministry of Environment and Forests, National Agency for Environmental Protection, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, TIEMS - International Society for Emergency Management, National Red Cross Society Romania, Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy, INOE - National Institute of Optoelectronics, Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University Bucharest, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Northern University Baia Mare.
Also, during this period, the active members of the Foundation have participated in numerous training, specialization, training and exercises, scientific sessions, both in the country and abroad.
In the future, the Foundation intends to engage in similar activities, as well as initiating and developing new projects in collaboration with other institutions or NGOs, carrying out studies and materials for the protection of the population, establishing collaborations with new economic operators, participating in training activities in the field of civil protection, etc.

Executive Director

The Purpose of the Foundation:

  • To educate, train and develop specialists in environmental and emergency assessment and management, to increase professional skills through qualification, continuous professional training and university and postgraduate specialization;
  • Establishment and maintenance of data banks with information on sites presenting particular risks and hazards in Romania;
  • Promotion of new methods and models for the assessment and management of environmental risks and disasters;
  • Promotion of fundamental, technical-scientific, experimental and applied research in the field of environmental protection
  • Conducting programmes necessary to implement policies in the field of environmental risk and safety
  • Integrating the Foundation into a network of NGOs with similar activities in the country and abroad;
  • Establishment of a working platform between local communities, economic operators and competent authorities as a managerial and decision-making tool in the implementation of integrated emergency response plans;
  • Organisation of forums to analyse the environment and prepare the population for emergency situations;
  • Organisation of conferences, symposiums, seminars, round tables and working groups on various issues of interest in environmental analysis, disaster and emergency management;
  • Publishing materials, manuals and guides in the field of environmental protection, disaster and emergency management
  • Creating an institutional framework for internal communication and dialogue between all categories of foundation members;
  • Environmental analysis through consultancy, training, design, infrastructure works, etc.;
  • Improvement of the legislative framework, in cooperation with public institutions and other stakeholders;
  • Vocational training for adults
  • Assessment and certification of professional skills.