DAREnet - Danube River Region Resilience Exchange network

Innovation strategies to increase resilience to floods in the Danube region

The DAREnet project facilitated flood management practitioners in the Danube region by:

- Identifying and analyzing key innovative weak points.
- Transposing identified weak points into a common innovation strategy to enhance future flood resilience.

Innovation strategies to increase resilience to floods in the Danube region

DAREnet va propune o direcţie care evidențiază oportunități de inovare pentru a face față principalelor provocări de mediu și sociale ale regiunii. Direcţia propusă de DAREnet va sta la baza inițiativelor concrete de inovare, bazate pe practică și experienţa acumulată de la "bază la vârf", construind un portofoliu unic de concepte comune pentru regiunea Dunării. Atât direcţiile, cât și inițiativelevor fi promovate în mod proactiv factorilor de decizie naționali și europeni(vârf) pentru a sprijini viitoarele strategii de inovare în regiune.

A Danube Community

DAREnet aimed to build a dynamic, multidisciplinary community of practitioners operating within a network of civil protection organizations. The network is supported by a wide range of stakeholders from politics, industry, and research, constructing an interdisciplinary ecosystem to stimulate synergies, innovation, and absorption in the Danube region.

Connecting national networks of practitioners

DAREnet was organized as a system of national networks of practitioners, coordinated by DAREnet National Contacts (DNC). Each national network of practitioners is responsible for mobilizing and engaging national communities within the DAREnet community at the regional level.

The DAREnet project

• was a coordination and support action for a period of 5 years.
• was composed of 14 partners from 11 countries,
• brought together a unique combination of institutions and renowned actors in the field of flood mitigation and civil protection.