APELL-TAST is a specialized civil protection module focused on assistance and technical support, designed to aid civil protection experts in intervention missions and disaster response efforts.
The APELL-TAST team has participated in several training exercises within the European Civil Protection Mechanism, namely: in Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Poland, and Denmark.
The APELL-TAST team has participated in several training exercises within the European Civil Protection Mechanism, namely: in Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Poland, and Denmark.
The APELL-TAST team comprises volunteers with various courses and training in civil protection
- Zoltán Török
- Florin Ștețca
- Ioana Piștea
- Dumitru Bodea
- Mónika Meltzer
- Cristina Grosu
- Eduard Ghiorghiu
- Maria Bizo
- Remus Lapteș
- Mihai Nistor