EU Modex - Exercises on civil protection modules, other response capacities, Technical Assistance and Support Teams, and European Union Civil Protection Teams - Cycle 12 LOT 2 - Field exercises for water related, forest firefighting, CBRN related capacities, EUCPT and TAST

Programme of Exchange of Civil Protection Experts (EoE) The overall objective of the Programme of Exchange of Civil Protection Experts is to strengthen the European Union's civil protection system and improve the effectiveness of transnational cooperation through the UCPM by enhancing the knowledge and experience of civil protection experts, including experienced volunteers, and staff from EU Member States, UCPM participating States and eligible third countries through the exchange of knowledge and experience within host civil protection organisations.

Multi-country Study The aim of this project is to carry out a multinational study based on a comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk situation in the regions concerned and their capacities/capabilities to respond to disasters. The study will target beneficiaries under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and the European Neighbourhood Policy countries (Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood).
